Last Updated on February 7, 2025 by Kiersten James, BS, RN
Easy, safe, and effective natural cough remedies for babies and toddlers to help soothe irritation and speed up healing.

Sometimes I feel like my kids have a cough that will exist for the rest of their lives (and mine). Whether it’s from some illness they picked up at school or seasonal allergies, one of them is literally always coughing.
Our family’s worst-case scenario cough situations have been around-the-clock coughing fits with croup, whooping cough (I was the only lucky one to get this), or RSV – a summer favorite.
Less significant instances have been chronic post-nasal drips that irritate the throat in the mornings and evenings, or issues with pollen when the trees begin to bud in April. Over time, it’s easy to weed out which natural cough remedies worked and which did not.
Natural Cough Remedies vs Over the Counter
Most commercial cough syrups aren’t safe for babies and the ones that are okay for toddlers have synthetic additives like sugar and artificial dyes.
In general, cough suppressants should not be given to children under 2 years old. The cough reflex serves an important purpose to clear the airway of mucus and debris. When this is suppressed, pneumonia and deeper infections can develop.
Natural remedies like honey should not be given to babies under 12 months due to the risk of botulism.
As a nurse and mother, I intervene to treat the cough when it becomes bothersome enough that it significantly interferes with sleep, causes vomiting, or the coughing fits are frequent enough to cause the child distress (as with RSV).
How to Choose a Cough Remedy
When selecting which cough remedy to use, I lean towards the ones that focus on these factors:
- Soothing the throat to reduce irritation
- Loosening mucus to make coughing more productive so it can be coughed up and out of the airways
- Calming the cough reflex so babies and toddlers can sleep better (and us)
- Supporting the immune system to help shorten the duration of illness
Best Natural Cough Remedies for Babies and Toddlers
Warm Steam Therapy

Most parents know this one and I list it first because I feel that it is the most important. Steam is one of the simplest and most effective ways to calm a cough, especially when chest congestion is involved.
Steam moisturizes the airways, loosens mucus, and helps clear congestion so your child can breathe more easily.
There are several ways you can achieve the same result. I prefer the shower method but every kid and family is different.
- Run a hot shower and let the bathroom fill with steam. Sit with your baby on the floor for 10 to 15 minutes. A favorite toy or book can help pass the time – especially at 3 am.
- For older kids, you can use the counter top herbal steam therapy. If you don’t have herbs on hand, a few drops of eucalyptus, wintergreen or lavender essential oil to a bowl of hot water works just as well. Let them breathe in the steam for a few minutes every couple of hours.
- Put a cool mist humidifier in the bedrooms to keep the air moist overnight. Make sure it’s the right size for the bedroom. We run them nightly in the winter simply because the air is so dry.
Amish Cough Syrup with Flaxseed, Honey, and Lemon

This cough syrup immediately went viral on Pinterest, and for good reason. It works SO WELL.
For toddlers, older kids, and adults, this is my first line of defense for an annoying, lingering cough. It’s also wonderful for soothing sore throats. Do not give this one to babies under 12 months because of the honey content and risk of botulism.
Get the instructions to make the Amish cough syrup here.
Fast Onion & Honey Cough Syrup

Onion and honey together create a powerful, natural cough syrup that helps loosen mucus, soothe irritation, and reduce coughing fits. Onions contain sulfur compounds that help break up mucus, while honey coats the throat and reduces coughing.
This cough syrup is best for dry, irritated coughs and helps with mucus buildup.
Give ½ teaspoon to toddlers over 1 year old as often as needed with a syringe or dropper. Do not give to babies under 1 year old due to the risk of botulism from the honey.
You can get the recipe for the onion and honey cough syrup here.
Baby-Safe Herbal Cough Tea

There are a few very gentle herbs that can help relieve coughing in babies and toddlers. Chamomile, fennel, and licorice root are great for soothing inflammation, calming the throat, and reducing coughing fits.
I’ll be very honest with this one – licorice root, although amazingly effective, tastes awful. Chamomile and fennel seed infusions are better tolerated.
To make an herbal tea for babies, steep 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile (or fennel) in 1 cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Strain and let cool. Give 1 teaspoon to babies over 6 months old with a dropper or medication syringe.
Chamomile especially is great for soothing sore, dry throats. Try to give it before a nap or bedtime to help reduce restlessness.
Homemade Garlic Chest Rub for Congestion
A natural, baby-safe chest rub can help open airways, loosen mucus, and ease coughing. The garlic rub works best for deep, chesty coughs.
For this one, you’ll only need coconut oil, one clove of garlic, and a container for storage.
To make it, melt down 1/4 cup coconut oil and stir in one crushed or minced clove of garlic. Make sure it is a freshly peeled clove and not the stuff that comes in a jar at the store.
Keep the oil warm enough to stay liquid and let sit for about a half hour. Strain out the garlic and allow it to solidify at room temperature. You can add one drop of lavender or Roman chamomile essential oil once cooled if you want to.
To use, rub onto the baby’s chest, back, and feet before naps and bedtime.
Always do a patch test before applying anything new to your baby’s skin to check for sensitivities and allergies.
Gentle Baby Massage for Cough Relief
A light massage can help break up congestion and reduce coughing by stimulating the lymphatic system to drain. This is a miniature version of chest percussion we use on adults in the hospital.
- Gently massage your baby’s chest and back in circular motions using a tiny amount of coconut or olive oil. Make circles that start at the spine and move outwards towards the sides of the body.
- Use light tapping motions (called cupping) on their back to help loosen any stuck mucus plugs.
- Massage their feet and apply coconut oil that has been mixed with one drop of eucalyptus essential oil for added relief. Safe essential oil dilution for babies is 0.1-0.2%. This equals 1 ounce of oil to 1 drop of essential oil.
Elevate the Mattress

Babies and toddlers often cough more at night because mucus drains into the throat when they lie flat. Raising the head slightly can help reduce post-nasal drip and make breathing easier.
The easiest way to do this is to place a rolled-up bath towel or small wedge under the crib mattress to create a slight incline. I use a wedge meant for pregnancy bellies during sleep and it works just fine.
Never place pillows, towels, or wedges under the actual child. The riser goes underneath the mattress in between the mattress and wire spring form.
When to See a Doctor
Most coughs in babies and toddlers will clear up on their own, but sometimes medical attention is necessary.
Get your child evaluated by a doctor or the emergency room if:
- Your baby is under 3 months old and has a cough.
- The cough lasts longer than 10 days.
- Your child has trouble breathing, wheezing, or fast breathing.
- There’s a high fever (above 102°F in toddlers or 100.4°F in babies under 3 months).
- The cough sounds like a seal barking or whooping cough.
Always Trust Your Instincts
A coughing baby can make those nights feel never-ending, but there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Almost all coughs are self-limiting and able to be safely managed at home. I’ve been able to get by with these cough remedies alone for every illness except one isolated 4am emergency room visit during a bad croup episode.
Always monitor your child’s symptoms and trust your instincts—if something doesn’t seem right, or if you simply feel that something isn’t right, do not hesitate to bring them into the doctor or ER for medical evaluation.
Nurses and doctors are always the happiest when we can send home a healthy child within a few hours.
Natural Remedies for Cough & Cold Relief
How to Break a Fever in Babies and Kids Without Medicine
Fast Onion & Honey Cough Syrup
Amish Cough Syrup with flaxseed, honey, and lemon
Homemade Vapor Rub for Congestion
This information is intended for educational purposes only. The content created for has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare provider for personal healthcare decision-making guidance.
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